Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Edwards mistress Rielle Hunter changes names, images

Rielle Hunter has been known as a spiritual seeker, an aspiring actress, a party girl and a political operative. Last year, Edwards admitted to having an affair with Hunter in 2006 while he was compaigning for the Democatic presidential nomination. Hunter was part of Edwards campaign by making a series of short webisode videos about his campaign. She traveled with the candidate's entourage and in February 2008, she gave birth to a baby girl. Edwards denies that he is the father of the baby; saying that the affair was over before she became pregnant. Andrew Young claimed the baby to be his, but now is saying that Edwards is indeed the father of the baby. Hunter has not said who the father is. She says that she met Edwards in 2006, at a business meeting in New York. It was first reported in 2007 of the affair between Edwards and Hunter, but Edwards didn't admit to it until August 2008. He has hung low since the affair became public and stayed in various expensive homes in North Carolina and Santa Barbara, California.

I think this affair was not only very low on Edwards part, but also very dumb. If he can't make the right decisions for himself, how is anyone going to trust him to make decisions for our country? How is he expected to keep promises to the people of our country if he can't keep promises to his own wife? From the sound of this article, it seemed to be more on Hunter's part than Edwards'. But if he can’t control his own actions, it’s not likely that he would be able to control a whole country’s actions. Also, the fact that he denied the affair at first, makes me wonder what he would lie to us about. From this article, he seems dishonest and irresponsible. I also think he needs to take a paternity test to see if the baby is his. It made it sound like Edwards bribed Andrew Young to claim the baby as his. He needs to take responsiblity for his actions.

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