Monday, October 19, 2009

Facebook, Twitter users beware: Crooks are a mouse click away

Since 2006, the FBI reports nearly 3,200 account hijacking cases. If you are on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, or any other social networking site, you are at risk of being the next victim. It all starts when a friend sends you a message, link, or video. Once the message or link is opened, you are lured to a fake website that can easily trick you to giving out personal information and passwords. Once your account is compromised, the theives can perform the same exact attack on any of your friends. As social networking sites continue to grow, they become a frontier for cybercrime. To stay safe, experts say the best advice is to change passwords frequently.

I think people should just be careful when they are on social networking sites. If a link looks sketchy, don't click on it. If an unfamiliar site asks you personal information, don't answer it. Don't give out your password. And if you're really paranoid about you account getting hacked, just delete it altogether. I also think sites should have information available to users about the risks of Internet scams. Facebook users can become a fan of "Facebook Security," which allows them to receive updates on how to protect their accounts. I think all social networking sites should have something similar to this. Having nearly 3,200 account hijacking cases since 2006 shows that this is an issue and should be taken care of. I think the best solution is just to be more careful on social networking sites and to make sure everyone is aware of the risks and how to stay safe.

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