Monday, November 23, 2009

Report: Scores of albinos in hiding after attacks

As many as 10,000 albino colored people are in hiding in east Africa, scared that their body parts will be dismembered. Some regions in Africa believe that the body parts of these albinos have special powers and bring good luck. There have been at least 44 Tanzanian albinos killed and 14 in Burundi. Albinism is a genetic condition that leads to very little or no pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes. African albinos are discriminated against and face segregation much of their lives. Attackers chop off limbs and pluck out organs, convinced it will give them wealth and luck. Government officials are trying to stop the attacks, however most happen in rural areas where there is not enough police present.

This article really opened up my eyes.. I wasn't aware anything like this was happening. The government should step it up and make sure they have more police present in rural areas, where it has said to be happening the most. I hope this issue can be resolved before the number of deaths increases. Ten thousand people are in hiding? More than 50 people have been killed just because the color of their skin? This is rediculous and needs to put to an end immidiately. I also hope the murderers are found and face severe consequences. No innocent person should have to die.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Microsoft bans 1 million Xbox Live players

Microsoft has banned as many as a million players from Xbox Live for playing pirated versions of games. Just last week, Call of Duty was released. Pirated versions of the game appeared on various sharing sites before it was released. This is illegal and Microsoft is taking a stand against it. "Players who find their Gamertags banned from Xbox Live have wound up in that situation due to violations of the Xbox Live Terms of Use," Major Nelson, Xbox Live Director of Programming wrote. These people may be banned a day, a week, or forever. While banned, players are not able to go online at all. As this article clearly shows, Microsoft is becoming very commited to stopping piracy and having secure gameplay.

Piracy is illegal and it violates the Xbox Live terms of use, so I agree with Microsoft for punishing those who commit this crime. This isn't just a ban on the particular game, it's a ban on the service as a whole. Some agrue that the game should just be banned, not the whole service. I personally think Microsoft is right with banning the whole service. If just that specific game is banned, people would continue to pirate other games because they know consequence is mild. Microsoft is not sure how long these people will be banned. I think they should definitely be banned longer than a day, but forever seems too extreme. Microsoft seems dedicated to stop this, and I hope they can achieve their goals.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Father drops court battle to keep baby alive

Last Tuesday, the father of a child with a severe birth defect agreed to let his child die, ending a British court battle against the baby's mother. The baby, recognized as RB, is 13 months old and suffers from congenital myasthenic syndrome (a rare genetic condition which means he cannot breathe on his own). He needs to be delivered air from a ventilator every three seconds. His brain is not affected by this condition. His lungs are filled with liquid every few hours, giving him the sensation of choking. The doctors then use suction to remove the liquid, causing RB to be in pain. His parents are seperated with different opinions; his father wants him to stay on the ventilator while his mother thinks his time in intensive care should end.

This has got to be the most difficult decision for any parent to make. I can't even imagine what these parents must be going through. I do not agree or disagree with either of the parents; the only way I could ever make a decision like this is if I was going through it firsthand. The baby has been taken off its artificial respirator three times in his 13 months of living. The first time he was able to breathe for 40 minutes, the second 30 minutes, and the third time he only lasted five minutes. His condition looks as if it's getting worse. Ending his time in intensive care means ending his life. This situation is so tragic, and neither decision will have an ideal outcome. I could never imagine having to make a decision like this, and I pray for the parents going through it.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Safe to Eat?

There have been increasing cases of food-borne illnesses in our nation. To eat more healthy, Americans are consuming more and more fruits and vegetables. Fresh produce is often consumed raw, which can lead to bacterial infections. E. Coli, a dangerous bacteria, was traced to bagged lettuce in 2006 and sickened more than 200 people and killed three. Many similar cases have followed. Fruits and vegetables are regulated under the Food and Drug Administration, which has allowed the industry to be primarily self-regulated. It allows producers to develop their own standards. Some people argue that the government should regulate the farmers more stringently, while others say that the industry itself can respond more effectively.

I think the government should regulate the farmers more stringently. In my opinion, something should have been done right after the E. Coli outbreak. After sickening over 200 people and killing three, don't you think our government would get the hint? Many similar cases have followed; obviously the problem isn't just going to disappear on its own. I don't think people should have to think twice about consuming fresh produce. I think the government can definitely help with this. If it was simply left to the distributors, they may cut corners to make more profit. Now is the time for the government to step in. There's no need to wait for another outbreak to decide to do something. Let's not react; let's prevent.
Caroline Scott-Thomas, ( agrees that fresh produce needs to be more strictly regulated.
Comprehensive vs. Incremental Health Care Reforms:

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

7th person arrested in gang rape

This article expands on my blog last week, when a student at Richmond Highschool got beat and raped after leaving her school's homecoming dance. She had been gang raped and beaten for almost two and a half hours and left unconscious under a bench. This article confirms that there have now been seven people arrested for the gang rape. There were as many as 10 people involved in the rape, three unfound, and one has been released for lack of evidence. There were also ten or more people who witnessed this happening; none of them bothered to call 911. The victim's parents are urging those in the community to work to prevent an event like this in the future. "If you need to express your outrage, please channel your anger through positive action," they said.

I'm glad they now have seven arrested for this tragedy. I hope they can find the other three involved because people who commit these types of crimes should not be left unpunished. If they don't face consequences, they will most likely continue to commit similar crimes. I hope police continue to search for the remaining three criminals. I also really hate hearing about the ten people who witnessed this happening and didn't report it. I agree with Olivia ( when she says this crime should be reported immediately no matter how much you like the person commiting the crime or dislike the person being victimized.