Monday, November 23, 2009

Report: Scores of albinos in hiding after attacks

As many as 10,000 albino colored people are in hiding in east Africa, scared that their body parts will be dismembered. Some regions in Africa believe that the body parts of these albinos have special powers and bring good luck. There have been at least 44 Tanzanian albinos killed and 14 in Burundi. Albinism is a genetic condition that leads to very little or no pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes. African albinos are discriminated against and face segregation much of their lives. Attackers chop off limbs and pluck out organs, convinced it will give them wealth and luck. Government officials are trying to stop the attacks, however most happen in rural areas where there is not enough police present.

This article really opened up my eyes.. I wasn't aware anything like this was happening. The government should step it up and make sure they have more police present in rural areas, where it has said to be happening the most. I hope this issue can be resolved before the number of deaths increases. Ten thousand people are in hiding? More than 50 people have been killed just because the color of their skin? This is rediculous and needs to put to an end immidiately. I also hope the murderers are found and face severe consequences. No innocent person should have to die.

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